The Miscellaneous Brain Dump

During my years in design school and even now, I’ve found my mind wandering towards old projects that I never seem to want to put to rest. I pop into the working files every once in a while and keep the inspo alive:

Golden Girl

The inception of this imaginary beer traces back to my craving of a refreshing cold brew on a hot Texas day. I went on a journey to craft a vibrant identity for a beer brand, one that tapped into a feminine touch, distinct from the visual identities of beer brands on the market now.

Rebrand: Door County Library

I’m pretty convinced that Door County, Wisconsin is one of the last hidden gems out there. A lot of my summer memories are up in the Northern WI, swimming & reading & soaking up all of the serenity that a beach town offers. Throughout the peninsula, there is a string of libraries that I’ve decided to “rebrand” in an attempt to pretend I am back up in Door County, nose deep in a book!


This poster was inspired by the idea of living a life full of curiosity. For the execution, I wanted to shift focus from digital graphics to real-world elements that evoked this idea. Through the incorporation of octopi, spray paint, crab, cacti, and more, the final product truly brought the mantra to life, deepening my appreciation for it.